“Nobel-Prize Laureate Eric Maskin Visit to FGV EPGE in 2016”

Data do evento 23/05/2019 - 16:30

EPGE hosted Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Maskin and several other top economists in the Conference “PET 16” on Jully 11 to13, 2016.

Organization and opening remarks were made by the president of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal; FGV EPGE Dean, Rubens Penha Cysne, FGV EPGE Professors Humberto Moreira, Aloisio Araujo, Luis Braido and professors Myrna Wooders and Cuong Le Van. Participants in the seminar included FGV EPGE Professor Carlos Eugênio da Costa, Professors Hugo Hopenhayn and Pierre-André Chiappori; Moreira Franco, executive secretary of Federal Government's Investment Partnerships Program and Maria Silvia Bastos, CEO of BNDES.

To obtain other media related to the conference please click here