EPGE Commencement - 2010

Date of the event: 03/23/2011 - 19:00

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EPGE - Brazilian School of Economics and Finance held on March 23th a graduation ceremony in Economic Sciences of the 2010 class, in the Auditorium Engineer Manoel Fernando Thompson Motta.

The event had the main table formed by EPGE director Professor Rubens Penha Cysne; Joaquim Levy, a former student of EPGE and patron of the class; Renato Fragelli, graduation Director and patron of the class; and Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco Neto, graduation coordinator.

The ceremony marked by relaxation of the trainees and their families, was to highlight the emotional speeches in honor of parents, friends and teachers. The patron Joaquim Levy and patron Renato Fragelli also made their contribution to make even more striking for these young people the time of graduation. Endind the ceremony, the chairman Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, thanked and congratulated all the students, families and teachers by conquest. Closed the formalities, all were welcomed in the foyer for a cocktail in celebration.