EPGE returns to face-to-face activities - Planning and orientation meeting

Date of the event: 10/08/2021 - 14:30

On October 8, 2021, there was a presentation to its Undergraduate students about the logistics and planning of classes in a hybrid regime. The entry of people was extremely limited to the event, only a few students from the 1st year of Undergraduate Studies at EPGE participated in person at the Cultural Center (subject to prior registration and proof of vaccination). Other EPGE Undergraduate students were able to watch the lecture via online transmission on Youtube.

The meeting was attended by Professor José Féres, Coordinator of Graduation at FGV EPGE and Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, Director of FGV EPGE.

Date: 10/08, Friday
Schedule: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm