Date of the event: 10/23/2019 - 15:00
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The event, promoted by the EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE), belongs to the cycle of lectures of "Contemporary Themes" that seeks to discuss the main issues of the Brazilian domestic and international development agenda. The lecture was moderated by EPGE Director Professor Rubens Penha Cysne
Repercussão na Mídia:
- 23/10/2019 - Monitor Mercantil - RJ - PDF
- 23/10/2019 - Portal Fator Brasil - RJ - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - Segs - Portal Nacional - SP - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - Diário do Comércio - MG - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - Hoje em Dia Online - MG - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - InfoMoney - SP - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - A Tribuna - ES - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - Jornal do Commercio - PE - PDF
- 24/10/2019 - Agência Brasil - DF - PDF
- 25/10/2019 - Portal Fator Brasil - PDF