Nobel-Prize Laureate Eric Maskin Visit to FGV EPGE in march 2014 – Part I

Date of the event: 06/03/2019 - 16:00

EPGE hosted Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Maskin and several other top economists in the lecture “Why globalization has not reduced income disparity?" on march 12, 2014. Organization and opening remarks were made by the vice-president of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Sergio Franklin Quintella and the FGV EPGE Dean, Rubens Penha Cysne. Participants in the seminar included the Chief Scientific Officer at Nobel Media, Adam Smith; the Coordinator of Applied Economics at the Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE), Armando Castelar Pinheiro; the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Claudia Costin; and FGV President Advisor and Director and partner of Divitta Investimentos LTDA, Sergio Ribeiro da Costa Werlang. To obtain other media related to the conference please click here.